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Sunday, February 14, 2016

His Grace > Gifts

With today being Valentine's day, I'm sure most of us saw plenty of couples on dates, large vases full of roses, giant teddy bears, and heart shaped boxes full of sweets all weekend! In one way I find it romantic that so many people take the whole day (or whole weekend) to celebrate LOVE! But in some ways, our culture has made Valentine's Day into something negative as well. Our culture has a way of materializing holidays whenever possible (Christmas and Easter for sure!) With that being said, I hope those who received diamonds know that they will eventually lose their sparkle and shine. Roses wilt after a while and chocolate most certainly doesn't last long!

Even Matthew 6:19-21 (ESV) says:
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up yourselves treasures in Heaven where neither moth or rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

Please don't misunderstand me! I love to receive gifts and I think it's wonderful to pick out nice and special things for yourself and for others.

I was reminded of this during Valentine's day but the point I'm trying to make doesn't single out a holiday, but rather brings to surface matters of the heart in general.
Things that our flesh desires, like pricey vehicles and all inclusive resorts, aren't the problem. It's our hearts we have to watch more closely. It's one thing for me to buy myself something nice, but it's absolutely something else if I brag about it all day long or hope to make others jealous. It's not healthy if I can't continue to be satisfied with it even if someone else gets a gift "five times better than mine." I'm not just talking about gifts here. Sometimes others seem to have better lives, relationships, etc! Sometimes it isn't just someone's brand spanking new car we wish we were driving...sometimes it's her life we wish we were living! I will reluctantly admit that I've been guilty of this at times. It is usually always followed by quite the strong conviction! That's because God wants to be enough for me (you). He wants us to understand that His grace is sufficient and that He will remain faithful to provide. (2 Corinthians 12:9, Philippians 4:19)  He wants to be our source of joy and completeness, our security.

And that's when I'm brought back to reality, because I don't want to lay my treasures or desires up here in this world or to rely on earthly desires to give me happiness and security. And I know you don't either. Who would? Look at it; It's obvious that one day the earth we live on will be no longer.
1 John 2:17 assures us: "The world and its desires will pass away..." Yes, even the things that our flesh desires will pass away with it.

Is His grace enough for you? Whether ends barely meet or we have plenty of excess when it comes to what money can buy, I pray that He would continue to reveal to each of us that He is more than enough. THE CROSS was enough. He is faithful and gracious, and that is enough to be content. His love for us is worth celebrating every day of the year!

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